Addiction Medicine: Science and Practice 2ed
This essential text is ideal for anyone who deals with patients with addictions in clinical practice, including psychiatrists, health psychologists, pharmacologists, social workers, drug counselors, trainees, and general physicians/family practitioners. Clearly explains the role of brain function in drug taking and other habit-forming behaviors, and shows how to apply this biobehavioral framework to the delivery of evidence-based treatment. Provides clinically relevant details on not only traditional sources of addiction such as cocaine, opiates, and alcohol, but also more recently recognized substances of abuse (e.g., steroids, inhalants) as well as behavioral addictions (e.g., binge eating, compulsive gambling, hoarding). Discusses current behavioral and medical therapies in depth, while also addressing social contexts that may affect personalized treatment. Contains new information on compliance-enhancing interventions, cognitive behavioral treatments, behavioral management, and other psychosocial interventions. Includes neurobiological, molecular, and behavioral theories of addiction, and includes a section on epigenetics. Contains up-to-date information throughout, including a new definition of status epilepticus, a current overview of Lennox Gastaut syndrome, and updates on new FDA-approved drugs for pediatric neurological disorders. Features expanded sections on evidence-based treatment options including pharmacotherapy, pharmacogenetics, and potential vaccines.
Author | Johnson, Bankole |
ISBN | 9780323754408 |
Publisher | Elsevier |
Number of Pages | 1136 |
Format | Hardback |
Dimension | 8.75 x 1.75 x 11 inches |
Weight (kg) | 2.54 |