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Community Service Schemes

As a social enterprise, a portion of the NUS Co-op’s earnings is contributed back to the NUS community in the form of the Book Award, donations to the NUS Endowment Fund and sponsorships to the NUS Students’ Union (NUSSU), NUS Halls of Residences, clubs and societies.

Book Award
Launched in 1987, this scheme benefits needy student NUS Co-op members by presenting awards to them annually. Each award is worth $400 and is used by the student to purchase books and stationary from the NUS Co-op outlets.

The number of awards given out depends on the surplus from the previous year. Application for this award opens in September every year and application forms can be obtained from any NUS Co-op outlet or downloaded from this site in early September.

The Charity Scheme
Members of the NUS Co-op are encouraged to donate their annual dividends to a number of charities.

The Financial Support Fund
The NUS Co-op sets aside a budget each year to provide financial support to the Student’s Union and other on-campus Student Clubs and Societies.

Contribution to the University Endowment Fund
As a gesture of gratitude towards the University’s assistance in the NUS Co-op activities, the NUS Co-op contributes financially to the development of campus.

Participation in Student’s Activities
The NUS Co-op participates in activities organised by students for significant and meaningful causes, such as environmental awareness and self-help.

Assisting in Charitable Activities
Wherever possible, the NUS Co-op participates in various charitable activities and provides help in terms of being collecting agents for donations or information disbursement agents for the campus.